Schlagwort: obligation

More time for the tax return 2020

Mehr Zeit für die Steuererklärung 2020

Good news for all taxpayers who do not want to deal with their income tax returns 2020 during the holiday season. The deadline for tax return submission has been postponed from 31 July 2021 to 31 October 2021.

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Short-time allowance (Kurzarbeitergeld): Obligation to file a tax return

Short-time allowance (Kurzarbeitergeld): Obligation to file a tax return

As a result of the Corona crisis, the regulations regarding the receipt of short-time allowance were changed several times. For example, the period for receiving a short-time allowance was extended to up to 24 months. There are also specific regulations on the tax treatment of employer subsidies (Arbeitgeberzuschüsse) for short-time allowance and seasonal short-time allowance (Saison-Kurzarbeitergeld). But what do these rules mean for the tax return?

The subsidies are tax-exempt if, together with the short-time allowance, they do not exceed 80 percent of the difference between the expected wage and the actual wage.
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